Twin Peaks: The Return (2017)
Twin Peaks: The Return
Despite all the amazing reviews for this season, I still had a tiny bit of skepticism. I just wasn’t sure how the show was gonna pick back up, and if it would live up to the greatness of the first two seasons. I am now going to answer that question: it absolutely does, in ways I never thought possible. Because of this third and final season, it solidifies ‘Twin Peaks’ as one of the greatest shows ever made. I’m gonna be honest though, it took me a couple episodes to really get into this season. I think it was because it picks up at a seemingly weird point, and starts to go full speed before you get completely strapped in. But once you get familiar with the characters and setting, oh boy. It absolutely became one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s full on David Lynch, with enough realism to seem authentic, but then so much surrealism that you’re left scratching your head in disbelief and awe. Kyle McLachlan’s return was amazing, and his dual performances were awesome. The way his story continues and is explained, but not in the way you think, makes it even more special. The return of the rest of the original cast was great. Gordon, Bobby, Hawk, Andy, all of them. I also love how the town and people of Twin Peaks is only half the show, with the other half being separate places and people. You get to explore the outside world while still having the show being taken back to its roots. In terms of story, I’m not saying anything at all, because you have to sit down and watch this for yourself. I don’t even know if I can explain the story anyways, because of how complex it is. You understand, yet you don’t. I absolutely loved every second of it, and it’s arguably better than the original series. It’s peak David Lynch, that’s what it is. I would highly recommend it to all fans of the Peaksverse. This show is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!