Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)

Rambo: First Blood Part II

  • One of the truly great sequels in a movie series, this is one that is almost as enjoyable as the first. I absolutely love the story, and how it uses a corrupt government that tries to cover itself. The action in this movie is so great, and there are dozens of really cool shots and sequences that make the movie truly awesome. Some of the scenes pull from First Blood in terms of the fighting, but they are still so fun to watch. Although many critics pretty much take a dump on this movie, the story, the music, the acting, and the fight sequences are seriously amazing, and Stallone delivers another great movie. This is the movie where Rambo really becomes defined as the strong, scarred war vet that he’s known as. Although we see his mental character in the first movie, this movie is where he becomes physical icon that he is. I really like how they gave him a love interest in this one, because he and Co make a great team. Like I mentioned before, the music is great, and although it’s much different than the first movie, it still has its own special flavor to it. I would definitely recommend this one to those who love war thrillers, and I would easily say it’s the second best made Rambo movie. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!