The Ringer (2005)

The Ringer

  • This is definitely one of the dumbest movies I’ve seen, but that doesn’t stop it from being entertaining. The story is hilariously stupid and corny, but that’s what makes the movie so funny. I personally love the story, and although it’s probably a hit or miss for most people, I think it’s hilarious. All the characters are great, and they’re what make the movie so funny. Each one had his/her own personality and stubbornness. Each actor is totally perfect for their role, and they all make you laugh and appreciate their characters. Knoxville does a good job, as he’s able to be both funny and serious. I like how he battles with his conscience throughout the movie, and it helps balance out the verbal and physical comedy. It has a serious note, although the comedy is still constant. It keeps the movie fresh and interesting, instead of just a comedic flick that is only for laughs. Some may say (especially now in 2022) that this movie is extremely offensive and should be canceled, but that is absolutely not true. Even though there are definitely some over-the-line jokes, it actually shows a somewhat accurate glimpse into the Special Olympics. I appreciate this movie probably more than most, which is why I think it’s so great. This movie isn’t offensive at all, and it shows the pure happiness that special needs people have. It’s also really uplifting in certain ways, despite the content of the plot. The music is pretty fun and bouncy, and though most of it is pretty corny, and helps the movie's mostly energetic feel. Plus, the inclusion of September by Earth, Wind, and Fire is absolutely awesome. Overall, this movie is insanely dumb, but still fun to watch. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!