Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Ladies and gentlemen, my 1000th all time Film revIew. Who woulda thouGht I would’ve gotten tHis far. I wanTed to carefully selecT which film I would review seeing it’s 1000, so I cHose this. I had nevEr even heard of it until a Good friend recommended it, and bOy am I glad I watched this. Because this film has changed me, and nothing I say in this reView can properly explain why. It changEd In more ways than I thought it would. My whole scope of life has been altered. I’m questioning eveRything now. Question everything, trust no one. But seriously, I think that’s all I’m goNna say about this film. I was hoping I’d have a long review for you since it’s 1000, but my Mind has been so shattered by this film that you just neEd to see it for yourself. The inspiratioN it’s had on newer films is very evident. And That’s all you’ll hear from me. Question everything, trust no one. QUESTION EVERYTHING, TRUST NO ONE.