A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

  • Usually when it comes to remakes, the original movies are often the best. In this case, that is absolutely correct. This is easily one of the worst remakes I’ve seen, and most things about it were complete crap. It felt like a cheap remake the whole time, which it basically was. I’m not really sure why they decided to make this movie, because the original is such a classic. Essentially, the story was about the same, although there was one particular addition that the movie did a great job with. I loved how they made Freddy the character they originally wanted in 1984, and they added his original backstory and origin. Unlike the original, this one gives way more information on Freddy’s history and past, which I absolutely loved. On the screen, Freddy was a great character in this one, but physically, his design was absolute dog crap. The makeup department did a decent job with the burns, but Freddy ended up looking like a mix of a hamster and a naked mole rat. It was really hard to take him seriously while he ran around looking like a hairless rodent. I also hated Haley’s acting as Freddy. He didn’t have any kind of flare or spark that made him scary. The original (and actually good) Freddy did a lot of smiling and joking, whereas this one was always straight faced and didn’t show emotion of any kind. His dialogue was also horrible, and frankly, the dialogue for the whole movie was pretty bad. The effects were actually pretty decent, but it was one of the few highlights of the movie. The music was really boring, and half the time it wasn’t even present in the film. So essentially, the only things worth noting is Freddy’s backstory, (some) effects, and a couple minor jump scares. I definitely wouldn’t recommend this, even if you like horror movies. Just steer clear.