Funny Farm (1988)

Funny Farm

  • Only the second movie I’ve seen with Chevy Chase (the other being Christmas Vacation), I mostly enjoyed this one. It had a great feel to it, and it reminded me a lot of several Newhart episodes I’ve seen. Redburn has a Mayberry/Newhart feel to it, and I loved the setting of the movie. The whole movie had a very comfortable feel to it because of its country setting. I really loved all the characters in this movie, and the townspeople were absolutely hilarious. I always love the movies where the normal people live in a town with odd people, and this movie perfectly captures those moments. I was laughing throughout the whole movie, and it wasn’t just the characters, but the writing was really funny and great. This is a comedy that doesn’t shove the comedic elements down your throat, but keeps it consistent and subtle. It’s also a movie where it keeps an interesting and consistent story, without it just being a comedic satire or anything like that. And Chevy is just downright funny, so he helped a lot. The music was pretty good, and though it definitely had the corny 80’s feel to it, it was pretty fun to listen to. Many parts of it reminded me of several Ernest movies, which I found hilarious. However, there were two specific scenes where the strings were extremely beautiful, and the overall score added to both the dramatic moments, as well as the funny. My favorite scene was definitely the first softball scene, and I absolutely lost it. Overall, the movie was pretty great, and I would definitely recommend it. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!