Gone Girl (2014)

Gone Girl

  • I can definitely say that this is one of the most emotionally investing movies I’ve ever seen. The entire time, my eyes were glued to the screen, wondering where the story and characters were gonna take you. If you’ve seen this movie, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. The plot is so intricate and well written, as it provides a thrilling journey of emotions. Each scene constantly adds more to the plot, which was nice, because it consistently gives you something to pay attention to. It also does a fantastic job of providing several great turns in the story. The first half of the movie was good, but it really picked up right at the halfway point. It pulls out a twist you definitely aren’t expecting at all, which is what helps keep the story alive. All the characters were pretty well written, and the acting was also great. I really liked how you never could figure out which characters to trust, up until a certain point in the movie. I loved Ben Affleck as Nick, and he did a great job of showing his feelings towards the case. Rosamund Pike also did a superb job, and (minor spoiler) she’s one of the few female movie characters that has actually scared me. The music was very good as well, though it’s not anything super crazy. It was very unsettling and helped add a great criminal element to the entire picture. Overall, I enjoyed this movie, though at some points it did feel a tiny bit slow. I would definitely recommend it to all mystery/thriller/crime fans, especially if you love criminal cases and detective work. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!