Superman Returns (2006)

Superman Returns

  • I very much enjoyed this movie, and as the fifth and final installment of the Superman franchise, it caps it off in a great way. Now, in a way, it’s a bit of a reboot, as well as also being its own film. It kind of continues the story that Reeve’s Superman had, while still being its own separate thing. It does a good job of paying homage to the first Superman. I’m not really a huge fan of Brandon Routh, although I think he’s a great physical match for Superman. I’m not saying he’s bad, he’s just not my favorite. I think he’s a pretty good Clark Kent, and a pretty good Superman, but just not on the same level as Reeve or Cavill. I will say this though: his Superman suit is my absolute favorite Superman suit of all time. I really like the shade of blue, which is kind of a mix between Reeve’s and Cavill’s. I also really, really like the color of his cape/trunks. It’s not the comic-y bright red, but almost a combination of maroon and brown. It’s a great color, and I can’t get enough of it. Anyways, the story was really good, and the return of Lex Luthor is fun. However, I’m definitely getting some Lex Luthor burnout, as he’s been in every single Superman movie except one. I think Kevin Spacey did a great job, but I’m starting to get tired of his character. And that’s kind of what I’m referring to when I talk about this almost being a reboot. The characters are the same (give or take a few), and the story is similar to the first and second Superman (also, I’m so happy that they used Marlon Brando as Jor-El). However, the movie opens in an unusual and a never before seen way. The music is phenomenal, and it’s very similar to the original Superman. It utilizes the main theme in the same way, which I was ecstatic about. It adds the same heroic and patriotic sound. The effects were pretty good all around, and this movie probably has the best effects besides the first one, and Man of Steel. Overall, I definitely enjoyed it. I would recommend it to all DC fans, especially (and obviously) if you love Superman. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!