Countdown (2019)


  • Although a really good concept for a movie, it’s not super great, and somewhat boring throughout several scenes. Like many horror movies, the plot has so much potential for the making of a really good movie, but unfortunately it just wasn’t executed very well. The characters weren’t super notable or anything, and although the acting was somewhat decent, I didn’t care for any of their roles. Overall, I was really disappointed, and even though I didn’t have high expectations, it was still not impressive. Although I didn’t care for it, there were two things I really liked that were added. One was how the movie showed how someone may act if they knew the future, and that not everyone is how they seem. The second was the way they had sexual harassment in the workplace, and even though they didn’t need to add it, it still helps show what women have to go through in certain places and situations. It seemed pretty random, but it was also very unique and unorthodox, which makes it a very original part of the story. Overall, I’m not gonna watch this again, and I wouldn’t recommend it. It does have a funny end credits scene, though, so if you do watch it, make sure to stick around.