Barbarian (2022)


  • Holy freaking crap. So far, out of every horror movie I’ve seen, only two have truly terrified me. One was The Black Phone, and the other, is this one. Every single second of this movie had me sucked in, and it has such a great story. It starts out exactly the way you think it will, but as it goes on, there are so many twists and turns. The greatest thing about this movie was how every time you expect something to happen, it doesn’t. And every time you expect something NOT to happen, it does. There are also so many elements that give you a false sense of security, and the things you believe are totally changed. I’m super glad I never saw the trailer, and I’m glad I didn’t know anything about it. If you watch this movie, make sure you try to know as little as possible. The whole movie is so strange (in a really good way), and the transitions are flipping phenomenal. There’s one point about 30 minutes in where the movie feels like it stops, but it’s not even halfway done. In fact, it was done in a way where the first 30 feels like a short film, and I would've been happy with just that. But the story only goes on to get better, and it throws in new characters right when you’re trying to wrap your head around what just happened. In terms of terrifying, this movie absolutely delivers. There are several extremely good jump scares that really got me, and the suspense is insane. I can’t say much without spoiling, because as I said, you have to go into this movie blind. Just know that no matter what you might think, you’re wrong. The music is really good, and it seriously makes the movie what it is. The ending was also really great, and I loved the way it ends with “Be My Baby”. It really left me thinking about every event that took place, and my mind is absolutely blown. It’s easily the best horror movie of all time, and probably my second favorite of all time, only behind The Black Phone. I would HIGHLY recommend watching it with the lights off, and even if you aren’t a horror fan, it’s still a great watch. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!