Dante's Peak (1997)

Dante’s Peak

  • Just another crappy natural disaster movie. This review won’t be long, because there’s not much to talk about. The story actually started out pretty good, and I thought for a few minutes it was gonna be a good movie. But, at a certain point, the story just kind of dissolves, and it doesn’t lead to anything. The characters all sucked (except for Pierce Brosnan). Of course, Pierce was awesome, and he was one of the few highlights of the movie. The effects were pretty crappy and cheesy, although a few of them were pretty good. The music felt like your cliche action/thriller soundtrack, and although it helped the intensity of some of the scenes, it wasn’t great or memorable. The acting felt pretty exaggerated in many of the scenes, and like I said, the only one that actually did a half decent job was Pierce. Overall, this movie sucked, and I wouldn’t recommend it. It was definitely a waste of time, and I won’t watch it again.