Django Unchained (2012)

Django Unchained

  • This was a very colorful yet very dark movie. I loved Quentin Tarantino’s take on the West/pre-Civil War, as it had a serious tone and message, yet an almost satirical look. I would say this movie almost felt like a combination of Blazing Saddles and Tombstone. It was well done, and though it opens your eyes to the horrors of slavery, there are also plenty of moments to laugh and appreciate the subtle comedy. The story was really great, and though it felt a bit long to me, it was still enjoyable. As I said before, the movie does a great job of looking at slavery and the South. There were definitely some scenes that are pretty disturbing, as well as graphic. However, they are placed really well in the movie, so though you see the horrible events of slavery, the more colorful scenes give you some good breaks. Speaking of colorful, I loved the aesthetic of this movie. Although the story is dark and sometimes gloomy, the physical color throughout the movie was nice. There were many vibrant scenes, which was a good contrast to the story. I also really loved the clothes and sets. They really helped give an authentic feel to the movie. The effects and makeup were also really well done. Most of the death scenes were extremely bloody and bright. In a weird way, I loved the bright blood that was used, as it helped add some pop to the movie. The house explosion was also insanely satisfying. The acting was phenomenal all around, and I don’t think I have a single complaint about any of the characters. Although a good chunk of the characters were racist and pieces of human filth, I still appreciate the acting jobs that they did. I especially loved the main three of the movie: Foxx, Waltz, and DiCaprio. All three added a lot to the story, and Jamie Foxx especially did a fantastic job of showing his emotion. The music was fantastic, and I enjoyed almost the entire score. It fit the setting of the South really well. There were several different themes and scenes that were so beautiful. Overall, this is a very well made movie, and though it felt slow in a few scenes, it was an awesome first time watch. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!