Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1922)
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1922)
This is one of the greatest horrors ever made, as well as one of the greatest ever made. It’s easily one of my favorite silent movies ever, and I feel like I have a personal connection to it. The first time I ever saw it was a few years back, when the movie was played at a local theater with a live orchestra. It’s easily the best movie experience I’ve ever had at a theater. I’ve always loved music, especially classical and orchestral, so experiencing that was a real treat. There were several times when I actually got distracted by the orchestra, but in a good way. I kept finding myself watching them perform, rather than watching the movie. But anyways, that’s a huge reason why I love this so much. It’s based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which I haven’t actually read, but I know the general idea. So I can't say for sure if this is completely accurate to the book, but I’m still giving it a perfect 100% either way. The story is obviously Dracula, so there’s not much more to expect. The casting is also absolutely perfect. Everybody is good, but Max Schreck is creepy and horrifying as Count Orlok. He’s one of the most iconic figures in horror history. Just perfect casting, and there is rarely a role cast as well as this one was. Overall, everything about this is amazing, and I’d recommend it to literally everyone. Of course, some people think silent movies are boring, but those people can go take a leap. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it NOW!