The SMiLE Sessions (2011)

The SMiLE Sessions

  • This is one of my favorite compilation albums, and although you probably wouldn’t care for it if you’ve never listened to BWPS, it’s still so cool to hear the studio recordings of the original SMiLE. It’s a really cool experience to be able to hear the originally lost studio tracks, and although BWPS was a perfect album, being able to hear the Beach Boys sing the tracks in 1967 was amazing. They had such a great sound, and it makes me sad that we never got the original release. However, this album makes up for that. I love it so much because as someone who is so inspired by Brian and his work, being able to hear each and every note of the songs is such a privilege. There are so many tracks with just the instruments, and it makes you realize how much of a genius Brian truly was. Whenever I listen to it, I get lost in the sound of everything that’s happening in the studio. You never truly appreciate BWPS until you listen to his album. Plus, I love how in several of the tracks, you can hear Brian over the mic in the studio, giving directions or suggestions on how to make the music better. It gives you a really unique experience, and makes you almost feel like you’re in the session with him. The backing tracks of “Good Vibrations” were really good, but I especially loved the tracks for “Surf’s Up”. There were a few that were just the instrumental version, and being able to hear the different takes was repetitive but mind blowing. Also, there was one specific track of an alternate recording of “Surf’s Up”, and Brian sings it so beautifully. One of the best tracks on the whole album is simply called “Psychodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into a Piano”. It’s a hilarious outtake of some studio nonsense, and it has absolutely no context. But it’s really funny to listen to. I could rant about this album all day, but I’ll leave it here. It’s not one I would necessarily recommend, just because it’s long and if you don’t listen to the Beach Boys, it would be hard to appreciate. But if you like their sound, you should definitely give it a listen, and I promise you will be inspired by Brian’s amazing work. This album is officially Berry Approved, so go listen to it now!