Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor

  • Normally I don’t review specific TV episodes, but this one deserves a special review. To me, it’s the greatest, most well written episode in television history. Of course, if you don’t watch or follow Doctor Who, you won’t think much of this episode. However, it is the perfect combination of story, characters, music, and effects. It’s the perfect story because it involves the Time War, and if you follow Doctor Who, then you know what the Doctor did. He lives with his decision in great pain, and it’s his biggest regret. In this episode, he’s able to redeem himself by doing the right thing. Through some timey wimey events, the 11th Doctor is able to join forces with the 10th Doctor to become the voice of reason for the War Doctor. Introducing John Hurt as the War Doctor was one of the best decisions that the show runners made, and it adds so much more history and emotion to the Doctor’s past. It’s the perfect episode because it really investigates the event that he had to face, and you got to see his physical and mental battles he had with his decision. Bringing in Billie Piper to play the consciousness of the Moment was a really interesting but awesome choice, and it helps bring back nostalgic memories. She was the one who helped bring the 9th Doctor back to reality, so bringing her back for the War Doctor was a great choice. My favorite moment from the whole episode is when all 13 Doctors come together to save Gallifrey. It’s such a goosebump moment, and every time I watch it, I get absolute chills, as well as some tears. Catching a glimpse of the 12th Doctor’s eyes was a moment where I always yell my head off, and it’s one of the coolest moments in the show's history. It’s such a great message of unity, as well as how you can always choose your own future. The musical was phenomenal as always, but I especially loved it because it brought back traces of the old themes from the 9th/10th Doctor era. Overall, this is literally the greatest TV episode in television history, and it couldn’t be better. Being able to see all the Doctors team up is absolutely amazing, as well as being able to physically see the Time War, the Daleks, and the Zygons. I would highly recommend watching this episode if you're a Doctor Who fan. And Tom Baker coming in at the end is so awesome, and it brings back great memories for older fans. This TV episode is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!