Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)
Exorcist: The Beginning
Much like the previous two Exorcist movies, this one was also absolute crap in the toilet. I don’t even want to think about it. I’m fuming. I mean, I knew it wasn’t gonna be good, but come on now. This movie was like the poor man’s Indiana Jones (with some paranormal stuff). The story wasn’t anything special, just some filler history for Father Merrin. Granted, I really like Stellan Skarsgard, so that was a bonus. I thought he did a halfway decent job, but everyone else was horrible. In fact, the whole movie was horrible. There were a couple scenes that were mildly interesting, but the majority was trash. It was corny, poorly acted, and just not well written. At this point, The Exorcist franchise is a perfect example of why not every movie needs a sequel. Overall, this movie just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I hate it. Definitely never ever watch it.