The Aviator (2004)

The Aviator

  • One of the best biopics I have seen, and Leo DiCaprio absolutely knocked it out of the park with his portrayal of Howard Hughes. Scorsese did such a freaking amazing job on this movie, and I loved almost every single second of the film. There were only two things that I didn’t care for: 1) the beginning started out without making much sense, and I just thought it was a weird way to introduce Hughes into the movie 2) the movie never explained his mental problems, which stemmed from several incidents in his life. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the movie showed us what he was seeing in his head, and the extent of his problems was done decently well. There were also two phenomenal things that I really loved which were: 1) the soundtrack was absolutely amazing, and even though there wasn’t as much original score as you would think, using old swing songs throughout the movie made it so much more authentic, and 2) the portrayal of famous Hollywood stars was amazing, especially Jude Law as Errol Flynn and Cate Blanchett as Katie Hepburn. I also loved the ending of the movie, cutting from DiCaprio’s eyes to a black screen with Moonlight Serenade in the background (one of the most beautiful songs of all time). I would absolutely recommend this movie to everyone, because of how great the music, acting, and cinematography is. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!