JFK (1991)


  • As a huge nerd about everything surrounding the Kennedy family and JFK’s assassination, I was super excited to watch this movie, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. Although the movie definitely felt too long, I think it needed to be the length it is to help pack in all the information it has to give. Kevin Costner did a great job portraying his character, and the entire setting made it feel so authentic. I want to give a special shoutout to Gary Oldman as Lee Harvey Oswald. He is such a great physical match for Oswald, as well as perfectly doing his voice and mannerisms. I was absolutely geeking out through almost every second of this movie, and it was so well made. John Williams did a pretty good job with the score, and the opening/closing songs were really well done. I would definitely say this movie is one you can watch once and not need to watch again, but I’m so happy I’ve seen it. The controversy it throws into the Kennedy assassination made it so thrilling, and Oliver Stone did such a good job making this one. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!