Back to the Future Part II (1989)

Back to the Future Part II

  • Despite the greatness of the first movie in this trilogy, this is definitely not a great sequel. Oftentimes, a movie sequel isn’t usually as good as the original, and that is true in this case. Several parts of the movie are just weird, and I don’t really like the way they took the direction of the movie. I can see what they wanted to do with it, but it was carried out poorly. I like how the events of the first movie were intertwined with this one, but also, it makes the movie feel like it was just trying to ride off of the success of the first one. The whole 2015 feel in this movie is also kind of weird. Most of the time in time travel movies, the future is always thought of as being really crazy and out there, which is what this movie did. Although it’s a tiny bit more realistic than other time travel movies, it’s still kind of bonkers and weird. But, I do somewhat like how old Biff from the future went back in time to create the main plot of the movie. The characters weren’t super great, and I didn’t care for any of them, except for Marty and Doc. Most everybody was pretty obnoxious and hard to watch. Also, Jennifer’s random replacement was weird and unexplained, much like Dumbledore’s shift in Chamber of Secrets to Prisoner of Azkaban. The effects were a bit sloppier in this movie than in the first, which gives it the cheesy 80’s feel that it has. The makeup was also pretty sloppy, and gave the movie a really corny and weird look. The music was still fun though, as it had the same sound as the first movie. Alan Silvestri still did a great job despite the not-too-great movie. Overall, this isn’t one that I would watch for fun, although it’s still somewhat interesting if you’re watching your way through the trilogy.