One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

  • This was definitely a fun movie to watch, and it was extremely well made. The acting all around was absolutely incredible, and every single actor put everything into their role. The uniqueness of each and every character was absolutely astounding, and the detail that went into their behaviors/mannerisms was really amazing. I absolutely loved Nicholson, DeVito, and Lloyd. The three of them were hilarious, and even though they had their serious moments, everyone still made me laugh so many times. The really nice thing about this movie is how it has a serious plot and setting, but it almost feels like a comedy. There were several scenes that you take seriously and treat with respect, including one that was actually pretty dark. But, in between those, you get the laughs that you don’t expect to see in this movie. I also love the overall story, because it portrays mental illness in a way that isn’t very orthodox, but doesn’t make fun of it. I also love getting a movie that’s set in a mental hospital, and it gives you a chance to experience the feeling and routine of everything. You also get a great chance to get to know the characters, and each and every one adds to the overall great feeling of the movie. The one thing that really caught me off guard was the ending. Even though it’s unexpected, it was still a really great way to end the movie, and it wraps up all the events that took place nicely. The music was also pretty good, and it helped give the music a happy feeling when needed, and also the dark feeling when needed. Overall, this is definitely a great movie to watch, and I’d highly recommend it. This film is officially Berry approved, so go check it out now!