Psycho II (1983)

Psycho II

  • I was very surprised by how good this movie was, and while I had low expectations, I thoroughly enjoyed how well this movie turned out. It was really weird watching this movie in color, but it actually worked out pretty nice, and I really liked how it was done. The opening was pretty cool, because it played the infamous shower scene from the first movie. While it didn’t really make sense for it to be put in there, it was still a nice little tribute to the greatness of Hitchcock’s masterpiece. Overall, the story was pretty interesting, and while a few different parts seemed a little out of place, I really liked the overall premise. There’s one certain thing that I both liked and disliked, and that’s Norman’s character in this sequel. He played such a great psychopathic killer in the first movie, whereas in this one, his character feels helpless and scared, and it even gives you sympathy towards him. In a small way, his character was ruined by making him a reformed person, but it also helps you love him even more. The other thing I really liked about this movie was all the throwbacks to the first one. Of course, this is a sequel, so the stories are connected, but I’m talking about small things like mannerisms and different shots and sequences. It was so fun picking out the little details that were referring to the first movie, and the writers of the screenplay did a fantastic job. The music was also really good, and though it doesn’t even compare to the original score of the first movie, it was still pretty fun and suspenseful. Overall, this movie is definitely an underrated film, and it’s a pretty good continuation of Norman’s character. However, I didn’t like the ending at all, and it felt really pointless and dumb. But, it is made up by ending the movie on one of the coolest and greatest shots I’ve ever seen in movie history, and I actually teared up seeing it. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!