Chinatown (1974)


  • I have very few complaints about this movie, and even though it felt a little drawn out, I enjoyed most of it. The movie is very interesting and contains both a great plot and great characters. I think the big thing I noticed in this movie was the aesthetic. It wasn’t really anything super special, I just really enjoyed it. I think the early 70’s production combined with the late 30’s plot was a great mix. It just makes the movie so physically beautiful. The story was also extremely good, and it takes you on a great mystery. I love the noir feel, as well as watching all the P.I. work. The story was also pretty easy to follow along with. While it had lots of detail, it was still laid out simply enough. I really loved the ending, and it definitely doesn’t play out the way you’d think. The movie also ends with an iconic line, and it leaves you thinking about what you just watched. The time and setting was perfect for this movie, and as I stated, the aesthetic is awesome. All the clothes and vehicles helped add to the 30’s feel, and it had great color. I really enjoyed most of the characters, especially both Nicholson and Dunaway. They did an awesome job, and kept the movie mysterious and hard to guess. Their acting really helps make the movie. The score was absolutely fantastic, as Jerry Goldsmith comes in with another great piece of work. To me, the score almost has a kind of Taxi Driver feel. This one had a lone trumpet in several of the scenes, which helps build the mood of the movie. The music was almost sad, but still had an almost suspenseful feel. Overall, this movie was incredibly good, and I’d definitely recommend it to all. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!