Jingle All the Way (1996)
Jingle All the Way
I can’t get over how awful this movie is. Between all the goofiness, corny acting, and ridiculous story, it gets dragged down big time. That being said, this movie is so horrible, you just love it so much. It has the same vibe as ‘Batman and Robin’. Everything is just so….off, but it’s still super fun. The whole plot gets very worn out very quickly, and it feels like you’re stuck in a big cycle. It gets very old. It doesn’t feel like anything new at all. The classic exaggeration of crazy shoppers trying to get a popular item. But Arnold and Sinbad make it a fun back and forth battle. I love how the (somewhat) realistic story heads into a straight up CBM at the end, with real life Turbo Man. Stupid, yet entertaining. When it comes to the acting, it’s downright awful, with some crappy line deliveries and awkward conversations. Physically, Arnold is a good fit for Turbo Man, but the rest of the cast isn’t great. Sinbad was funny enough, and Jake Lloyd is good, but nobody else struck me as special. Most were just kind of annoying. Although you get to see Arnold totally deck a reindeer, so that was awesome. Finally, the sets and costumes were actually pretty good, with a very obvious 90’s look to them. Colorful and vibrant, a lot like the Schumacher Batman’s. Overall, this movie is very bad, but that’s what makes it so good. Not one I’d necessarily recommend, but I enjoy seeing it occasionally.