Walk the Line (2005)

Walk the Line

  • So I’ve never been a big fan of Johnny Cash, but I definitely appreciate him more after seeing this biopic. I’m still not a super huge fan, although I really liked seeing everything about his upbringing and inspiration. His story is pretty cool, although the movie did feel slow to me. It took me a while to get into it, but that’s what always happens when it’s about someone who I don’t really care about. However, the movie had a great timeline that was easy to follow, instead of jumping around like some do. And talk about perfect casting. Joaquin Phoenix was the absolute perfect choice to portray Johnny Cash. He’s a great physical match, as well as emotional/mental. Plus, he did his own singing, and it was a great match to Cash’s real voice. I do really like his songs, I’m just not a huge fan of his voice. The entire soundtrack was pretty great all throughout, and I loved all the concert scenes. They were very fun, and had a lot of the same feel that Elvis (2022) had. Overall, this was definitely a solid movie, though I didn’t really care for it as much as I thought I would. I would still recommend it to all musical biopic fans, especially if you like Cash’s style of music.