That's Why God Made the Radio (2012)

That’s Why God Made the Radio

  • This album was released in 2012, and it’s the most recent one released by the Beach Boys. Essentially, it’s a reunion album. The one they released before this one was in 1996, so after 16 years, they got back into the studio and made one of their best albums to date. Some may not think it’s too great, because it’s a bunch of really old dudes singing their songs in their old style. But, it’s actually insanely impressive. I would actually put it in their top 5 best albums. Now, there are two songs on it that I’m not a huge fan of, but everything else is top notch. And, Brian, along with Mike Love and a few others, wrote each song, so you get a pure taste of his creativity and ear for music. The album kicks off with “Think About the Days”, which has some great harmonies and no lyrics. It’s a similar opening to SMiLE, and it almost starts off like a hymn. It also sets you up for everything that’s to come. “That’s Why God Made the Radio” follows, and obviously the title of the album. This song has a lot of the same sound that they had in the late 60’s and early 70’s. It has a fun, carefree message, along with an awesome beat. “Isn’t it Time” also has the same kind of sound, as well as a Hawaiian/folk tone. “Spring Vacation” has great lyrics, and it has the classic Beach Boys “schoolboy and summer break” vibe. I really like this one because of the few offbeat notes, as well as the key changes. I’m not a huge fan of “The Private Life of Bill and Sue”, as it follows the same path as the previous songs. The first half of the album ends with “Shelter”. It’s the first real love song on the album, and it sets the tone for the second half of the album. The second half starts with “Daybreak Over the Ocean”, which has a fantastic opening. The harmonies are gorgeous, and sometimes melancholy as well as hopeful. “Beaches in Mind” and “Strange World” are both good, though not my favorite. They have the same mid-60’s sound that they had. Now, the final three songs are perhaps one of the greatest endings on any album, period. “From There to Back Again” is a painful yet beautiful melody. I absolutely love it, and it’s definitely in my top 10 of favorite Beach Boys songs. It brings a message of love and want, and though it can make you feel good, it can also make you feel sad. “Pacific Coast Highway” isn’t a super long song, but it packs a punch. It opens in a similar way the album does, which is nice because you get to hear the backing vocals of each member. But perhaps the greatest song on the whole album is the final one: “Summer’s Gone”. It’s written by Brian Wilson, Joe Thomas, and Jon Bon Jovi. It’s one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, as well as one of the most beautiful songs written, period. The entire song has almost a depressing feel. But, it’s still stunningly gorgeous. The lyrics somewhat get you down, but the harmonies make it almost happy. I can’t even put into words how beautifully written and sung it is. Even if you don’t listen to this album, just listen to “Summer’s Gone”. Just once. I promise it will change you and touch you in a special way. In fact, the final four songs were actually inspired by Pet Sounds and SMiLE, which is why they’re so vividly crafted. Overall, this is one of the best Beach Boys albums ever put out. I’d highly recommend it to everyone. The album has both a sunny side and dark side, and the contrast is amazing. This album is officially Berry Approved, so go give it a listen!