Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel

  • This movie was decently good, and although there were some boring/confusing bits, I definitely enjoyed watching Captain Mommy, I mean Captain Marvel, in action. Brie Larson was a good fit for the part, and she definitely helped make this movie entertaining. She brought a good flare to the role, which was energizing. Although she was great, I also really loved young Nick Fury, young Phil Coulson, and of course, Jude freaking Law. I had no idea he was in this movie, so when I first showed up, I absolutely lost my mind. I was so ecstatic, and I’m so glad they cast him. I was also extremely excited to see young Fury show up. It’s really cool to see some of his origin, and a lot more things make sense now after watching this. (Spoiler) I loved seeing the origin of the Avenger Initiative, and now knowing that Captain Marvel was basically the birth of the Initiative is so cool. The overall story was pretty good, but like I said, there were a couple moments where I was a little lost and confused. However, the rest of the story was great, and I loved the twists and turns that it took. All the characters were pretty neat, and the setting was great. I loved the use of Blockbuster and other 90’s things, as it gave the movie an authentic and nostalgic feel. The music was great, both the score and the inclusion of a few 90’s songs. They give the movie a pretty fun feel. The CGI and effects were also really good and exciting. All the fight sequences were done really well. My favorite part of the whole movie was the whole space/sci-fi feel. It was a bit different from any other Marvel movie, which I liked. It kind of felt like Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who all in one. There were some really awesome spaceship chase scenes, along with lots of laser fire. It was entertaining as heck. Overall, this movie was pretty good, and though there were some parts that could’ve been better, I still liked it and would recommend it. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!