Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Reservoir Dogs

  • This is Quentin Tarantino’s first movie, and it was a very solid start to a great list of films. This one was fun to watch, and though there were a few scenes where I struggled paying attention, it was still exciting and intense. The story was awesome, and it provides plenty of action, drama, and cool details. It definitely keeps you invested from start to finish. I loved the way this movie told the story of the guys, and I love how the plot advances. It definitely tells it in a unique way. It keeps the movie original, as well as keeping it fresh. I love how several of the characters get their own little chapters in the movie. You get plenty of backstory, as well as great progression of the characters, and their stories. Because of that, the overall plot stays interesting. I liked most of the characters, especially Steve Buscemi. He was my favorite, and I’m not really sure why. He was just fun to watch. Everyone else was pretty good, and like I said, you get to see their backstories, which was nice. The acting was superb all around. Each character had their own qualities that made them stand out. They were a huge part in keeping the movie interesting for me. I loved the soundtrack, and both the score and songs were awesome. Several of the scenes really stood out because of the music. It helped give them an intense, suspenseful, and thrilling feel, which is exactly what I wanted to hear for this kind of movie. Overall, I’d definitely watch this again, and I would recommend it to all crime/drama fans. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!