Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit
I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to watch this. It seems like every single time I was really in the mood for it, it wasn’t available on any streaming platform, and every time it was available, I didn’t realize, or was working through a series or something. But I was finally able to watch it on Disney+ (through Hulu), and after all this waiting, I can definitely see what I was missing out on. Never in a million years did I think that a comedy based on WWII, the Nazis, and Hitler would be funny or tasteful, but man did this deliver. The greatest thing about it is how well it blends humor with drama. There’s so many moments where I was constantly chuckling and enjoying myself, and then many moments where I felt gutted and empty. Not many films are able to do that, especially as well as this one does. It’s silly and goofy, yet full of heart and meaningful scenes. The fact that it’s almost a gritty period piece, but at the same time, it’s colorful, vibrant, and focuses more on characters and family than action. Speaking of which, the performances from Roman Griffin Davis and Thomasin McKenzie were incredible. The two of them have great chemistry, both the positive and negative kind. It was just a great dynamic that pulls at your heartstrings. Scarlett Johansson was great as well, though I don’t know if her Oscar nomination was totally warranted. And how can I not mention imaginary Hitler? Again, never in a million years did I think comedic Hitler would be acceptable, but sure enough, Taika Waititi was able to do it. It’s a hilarious concept that somehow works so well. My final thought(s) is that the cinematography was beautiful yet tragic, the music was good, and the film editing keeps the story moving at an easy-to-follow pace. Well done Mr. Waititi for making this gem. I’d recommend it to all dramedy fans. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!