Rambo (2008)


  • Easily the most goriest and violent Rambo, this is one that is insanely action packed and really disturbing. I would say that it's definitely one of the most disturbing movies I’ve seen, and the opening scene makes you sick to your stomach. It uses real footage of the Burmese civil war, and it is something you don’t wanna see more than once. It gets you ready for what you’re about to witness, and when I first saw this movie, I had doubts whether I even wanted to watch it after seeing the opening. The “second” opening scene shows how cruel people can be, and like I said, it makes you sick to your stomach. This movie shows the true evils of this world, and especially how bad war is for everyone. Although this action and gunfights are insanely awesome, it's still something to take seriously. This movie is much like the second and third, where Rambo goes to a prison camp to extract some prisoners. So, even though this movie may feel like a cliche action movie, it does a really good job of pushing this message: war is evil, and we must do what is right while helping others. This is probably the movie when we see Rambo in his most violent stage, and it’s pretty awesome. There are two specific scenes I wanna talk about, because they are amazing. The first is the undetonated bomb scene. Watching Rambo set a trap with an undetonated bomb, and then watching that bomb explode and being able to physically see the shockwave is awesome. The other scene is the nightmare sequence. It’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time, and I would even say it's one of the best dream scenes ever made. Being able to see how Rambo thinks about himself mentally is really intriguing, and it helps you understand his character better. Seeing all of his flashbacks in his dream are cool throwbacks, and like I said, helps build his character. I love how they threw in the deleted scene of Trautman shooting Rambo at the ending of First Blood is cool, and it makes you wonder what could’ve been. The best part of the whole dream is how Rambo wakes up as his old self, and then he wakes up in real life. It’s enough to give you chills, and the first time I saw that scene, I even teared up. Anyways, it’s flipping awesome, and my favorite Rambo scene of all time. The music in this movie is really good, and hearing the main theme with the lone trumpet is so cool. I would definitely recommend this movie, and every action/war movie fan would love it. It’s extremely well shot, and has some really good use of shaky cam. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!