Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunrise
What can I say about ‘Before Sunrise’? There’s a lot I want to say, and there’s also very little I want to say. I have a lot of emotion flowing through my heart and soul after watching this. I could gush over this for probably an hour, but I’ll try not to make it too long. For starters, I think it’s one of the most perfectly crafted films I’ve ever seen. I don’t think there’s any flaws at all. Of course, if you nitpick hard enough, you can always find a flaw, but I’m not going to. It’s perfect all around. The writing is so immaculate, with one of the best screenplays of all time. The dialogue is one of the many highlights, but to me, it stands out the most. All the conversations that happen between Jesse and Celine are relatable, natural, full of depth, and….perfect. I’m gonna throw that word around a lot. Their chemistry is captured so well, and I don’t know if I could think of two other actors that could fit the role as well as Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy did. Everything about them clicked. They give some of the best performances I’ve seen in any romance, ever. And it’s not even because they blow your mind with their acting, it’s just how well they can portray love, friendship, and trust. Take them out of this film, and it wouldn’t be anywhere near as good as it is. But anyways, the two of them and the script is a lock for one of the most well written, well performed films of all time. That’s all I can say about it. There’s no other words that can describe the beauty of this film, and I only scratched the surface. I’m just gonna let you go see this for yourself, and then you will truly understand the significance and emotion I’m trying to describe. Overall, it’s literally one of the best things ever made, and I’m extremely excited to watch the following two films. I’m ready to immerse myself in the world of Jesse and Celine. I’d recommend this to absolutely everyone. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!