Girl Happy (1965)

Girl Happy

  • Pretty much your typical 60’s beach movie, this is one that just wasn’t enjoyable. The story did have some potential, but overall it just felt like a movie that was just a money grab. The sets were really good and the outfits were pretty on point for the setting, but besides that, I was not a fan of the characters at all, except for Elvis. Even then, there wasn’t really any kind of special spark behind his character, which made the movie seem boring and slow. The music wasn’t super great, and the soundtrack was definitely a let down. Even though the songs weren’t anything special, I think that Elvis’s voice really shined in this movie, and the slower songs were sung extremely beautifully. But, besides his voice and the sets, this movie was just dumb. I can only name one scene that was actually pretty entertaining and funny, but besides for those five minutes, I was bored. I wouldn’t recommend this one.