The Fabelmans (2022)

The Fabelmans

  • This was an unbelievably good movie, and I’m so glad to have been able to have seen it. To me, it’s definitely one of the best movies of 2022, and for good reason. It’s such an inspirational and beautifully shot movie, all throughout the entire thing. The movie is loosely based on Steven Spielberg’s life and start into film, so even though it’s kind of biographical, it’s still an original story. The story is absolutely phenomenal, as it gives you a great look into the struggles of doing what you love. As I said, it was very inspirational, and the main message of the movie really shows you why it’s important to continue doing what you love. I also really like the involvement of all the family drama in the story. In a way, it’s eye-opening, and not just in the film storyline. The movie goes much deeper than what I thought it would be, which was good. It keeps you plugged in for the entire time. It was really nice to see how the family drama/involvement both builds up Sammy, as well as tears him down. Plus, it constantly adds some new information to each scene, which keeps the movie moving forward. I really enjoyed most of the characters, except for a select few. Obviously, Gabriel LaBelle steals the spotlight, and I seriously enjoyed his character. The amount of passion he shows for what he does was the inspirational part of the movie. Not only was his character very well written, but the acting was incredible. He did a great job of showing almost all the emotions, from happy to sad, and nervous to angry. In fact, most everyone did a fantastic job of showing their feelings. I also really loved Paul Dano as the dad. He does an awesome job as always, and he was the perfect pick for this role. Also, David Lynch as John Ford was both serious yet hilarious, and I loved his appearance. The cinematography was strikingly beautiful, which helps influence the main message of the story. There were so many creative shots used, as well as fantastic lighting. The model train scene was so ingeniously shot, and it was easily my favorite part of the whole movie. The music was absolutely gorgeous as well, and John Williams came in and absolutely delivered yet again. The score was nice because a lot of it was just soft piano and easy strings. It wasn’t in your face, but was still very noticeable and just so stunning. It added so much feeling to each scene, as well as playing an important part in the story. Overall, this movie was just so good, and I would highly recommend it to all film lovers, period. It really gets you thinking about why chasing your dreams is so important. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!