Searching (2018)
Man, talk about a fun and suspenseful movie. After seeing this movie's sequel ‘Missing’, I figured this one would be just as good. And I was absolutely right. It’s not perfect, but pretty well put together, and I can’t help but love it. When it comes to writing about this, there’s a very small amount of things I can say, because I’m not giving anything away. I won’t say anything about the story, solely because it’s so jam packed full of detail and clues that lead to the outcome of the movie. All I’ll say is that it’s written super well. The characters weren’t always the best, but at the end, you kind of understand their actions. I think one of my few complaints would be the way the characters were shown and portrayed. Some of the acting was very forced and just unnatural, but that only happened a couple of times. Besides that, I don’t really have anything else negative to say. I’m gonna end it here so I don’t say anything I’m not supposed to. Make sure to see this for yourself, and don’t look up anything about it. You’ll regret it if you do. Go in blind. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!