Jackie Brown (1997)

Jackie Brown

  • This isn’t a movie I’ve ever really heard about, so when I watched it, I knew absolutely nothing about it. I wasn’t too impressed, and though some moments were enjoyable, it felt like it dragged on and on. It did have a really good story, as well as a great cast. The story itself was pretty well done, and it has a plot that is mostly easy to keep up with. There were several moments where I was a little confused about what was going on, but most of it made sense. I also like how it basically revolves around an everyday woman who got into the wrong business. There are great turns and additions always being added to the story, although when something exciting isn’t happening, it feels really dry to me. I also think the movie was definitely too long. It had lots of information to pack in, so I think it needed to be the length it was. However, it just kept going on and on, and I was definitely bored in some scenes. But the stacked cast helps a little with the boring scenes. Pam Grier as Jackie Brown was perfect, and even though I’ve never seen her in anything else, she does a really great job, and she was perfect for the role. You also get great actors such as Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Forster, De Niro, and Keaton. The three of them did an awesome job, but I wish we could’ve seen a little more of Keaton. I loved his character a lot, and I thought he should've had some more screen time. I also really liked De Niro, and he had the great “old and experienced” look in this movie. I also wish we could’ve seen him a little longer. I really enjoyed the music, and it had a great mix of original music, as well as other songs from different artists. It really fit the setting and mood of the movie, and gave it a great feel. Overall, this movie was decently good, and though I won’t watch it again, I’d recommend it to those who like crime/dramas.