Final Destination 2 (2003)

Final Destination 2

  • This movie was pretty horrendous, and definitely not as good as the first. The first one actually draws you in and has a decently good story, whereas this one basically just rides off the events of the first movie. Technically, that’s what sequels do, but there wasn’t much that was original. I did like how the events in this movie were strongly affiliated with the events in the first one. Without spoiling, there were certain connections that were made that helped progress the story. But, like I said, it wasn’t too original. Most of the movie was pretty boring, although it did a decent job with keeping it intense. The movie was constantly moving forward in a quick way, so it doesn’t take long breaks between action or anything. All the death scenes were both tragic yet pretty epic, and in a weird way, they’re kind of fun to watch. The effects were extremely cheesy and very questionable, but after all, it was 2003. However, the cheesiness was what made those scenes fun. The music was n’t super great, and though it was kind of exciting in certain scenes, the majority of it wasn’t too great. The acting was pretty horrible, and most of it felt really forced and exaggerated. It was so corny, and the dialogue was pretty bad. Also, all the characters were pretty dumb, and many of them were obnoxious. Overall, I definitely won’t watch this again, and I probably wouldn't recommend it.