Whiplash (2014)


  • I went into this movie knowing almost nothing, and I was absolutely blown away by what I had just watched. This is very easily one of the most mentally taxing movies I’ve watched. There were so many scenes where I myself was feeling uneasy, and that is how well J.K. Simmons was able to portray his character. I can easily say that his role was one of the best-cast roles I’ve ever seen, and he legitimately seemed terrifying. Miles Teller also hit a grand slam with this role, and he was able to show his inner struggles so well. The duo of Simmons and Teller was phenomenal, despite them pretty much hating each other in the movie. There were also a couple scenes that made me audibly gasp or have a sharp intake of breath, and there are very few movies that do that to me. And the music was absolutely amazing. One of the coolest soundtracks I’ve ever heard, it was full of jazz and amazing drum solos, and it was one of the most enjoyable pieces of movie music I’ve ever listened to. The cinematography was also freaking amazing, with up close shots of minor things, like sweat on a drum, or a trumpet player emptying their spit valve. There were so many small details as well as the up close shots of the various instruments, and it was beautiful. The reason I also love this movie so much is because I’ve had several years of band experience, so I know how it feels to be in a band rehearsal. The band rehearsal scenes were super realistic, and the screenplay for those scenes were spot-on. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!