The Hunt for Red October (1990)

The Hunt for Red October

  • This definitely wasn’t a bad movie, but it was a bit disappointing to me. It didn’t really impress me enjoyment-wise. There were several scenes that were pretty fun, but besides those, it just felt like a bit of a drag. I wouldn’t necessarily say it was boring, but it was just slow and drawn out. A lot of it constantly lost my attention, which is pretty unusual with these kinds of movies. I did really like the story, and despite my loss of attention, it was pretty well written and fun to keep up with. I really loved how a huge chunk of the movie was set in the submarines and underwater. I haven’t seen a whole lot of movies that are based on/in submarines, so that was a cool experience. I also like the kind of Cold War vibe that the whole movie has. The characters were all pretty good, as not only were they interesting, but the acting was also great. I love the stacked cast: Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones, and Tim Curry. Normally, I’m not a huge fan of Alec Baldwin, but I very much enjoyed him in this role. It was also nice to see Connery in a presumed antagonist role. I’m used to seeing him as Bond or Henry Jones Sr, so his role in this movie was cool. Another thing I enjoyed was the effects. I liked them because of how cheesy some were, and though they were definitely questionable, they were still fun. The music was also great. Though there wasn’t anything too special, it definitely added some thrill to many of the scenes. Overall, I thought this movie was pretty slow and hard to sit through, though there were several moments I did enjoy. It’s not one I think I would watch again anytime soon, but I’d still recommend it to action/adventure fans.