Shutter Island (2010)

Shutter Island

  • I didn’t know anything about this movie going into it, and I’m certainly glad that’s the way it was. If you haven’t seen this movie, don’t look up the plot or synopsis or reviews. If you go in as blindly as you can, it makes for such a great experience. There are so many twists and turns all throughout the movie, which is what makes it so entertaining. There were also a lot of really well placed red herrings, so it always kept you guessing what was actually happening. The story was extremely well written, and it takes you on a great ride. From the very beginning, the movie hooks you in, and it keeps you invested up until the very end. Both the plot and screenplay were really well done, and even though there are some slow scenes, the script still keeps you entertained. It’s definitely one of the better stories in a movie I’ve watched, and I was extremely pleased with how it turned out. The setting also helps the movie as well. There are very few movies I’ve seen that are set at a mental institution, so being able to have that as the main setting was amazing. It constantly gave the movie a really eerie feel. It even felt unsettling at some points. The hospital was also on a secluded island out in the middle of the ocean, so that made it even better. The setting really fits the mood of the whole film, and that’s one reason why it was so enjoyable. The acting all around was extremely good, and every single character had their own unique qualities. I especially loved DiCaprio and Ruffalo in their roles. Both physically and emotionally, they really fit their characters, and they gave very convincing performances. The thing I loved most about this movie was the depth it went into about the mental state of the criminally insane. It does a great job of putting you in the character's shoes, and it shows you exactly what they suffer from. The part of the story that revolves around that is what really keeps you hooked, and what keeps you entertained. The flashbacks that Teddy experiences are also really well done, and it shows you how people can suffer from trauma or bad memories throughout their life. The last thing I’ll say is that the music was really great. Many parts of it had a Psycho feel to them, which I loved. It really makes the scenes even more special and powerful, and the arrangements were really good. Overall, I’d highly recommend this movie for those who love mysteries, as well as psychological movies. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!