WandaVision (2021)


  • This is a great show that totally catches you off guard, and it’s definitely not something you’d expect. It starts off in a really interesting but weird way, but trust me, it pays off in the end. I absolutely love the format of the show, as it’s one of the best original ideas I’ve seen for a show in a long time. I’m gonna try not to spoil too much, but the way it’s done mimics sitcoms from different decades. Because of that, it provides for a really unique experience, and one that keeps you pulled in the entire time. The first episode was extremely reminiscent of The Dick Van Dyke Show, which is actually one of my favorite shows of all time. It has the exact same feel that many 50’s sitcoms had, such as Dick Van Dyke or I Love Lucy. In fact, they actually brought in Dick Van Dyke to consult on those episodes, as he’s obviously had the experience making them. You also get the same feeling from the following episodes, except that they are based on the 60’s-90’s. Sitcoms are my favorite genre of TV shows, so it was just so much more fun to me. The entire story is really great, because of how it works around the sitcom format. There are several great twists and turns involving Wanda and her background. And like I said before, though it seems weird for the first few episodes, it all adds up at the end of the season. I don’t want to give any more away, because I think you should go in knowing as little about this show as possible. Obviously, you need to know who Wanda and Vision are, and you need to know certain things about the MCU. But, if you decide to watch this, don’t go Googling it or looking it up on Wikipedia beforehand. All the characters are awesome, and each one adds so much to the story and helps move it forward. All of their designs are also amazing, and the sets/clothes for each sitcom decade are so well designed and put together. Overall, I would definitely recommend this to all MCU fans, though you need a bit of prior knowledge before watching it. This show is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!