Casino (1995)


  • De Niro and Pesci continue to be awesome, especially in this movie. Although this movie was a bit boring to me, I definitely enjoyed the acting and the story. In a way, it kind of follows the same path that Goodfellas took, in terms of plot and characters. It’s not the same, but you could definitely see some similarities. Plus, both films were done by Scorsese, so that makes sense. The movie follows the classic “build an empire from one business” kind of deal, much like Goodfellas. In this case, you get to see De Niro and Pesci make their money off of a casino, which is fun to watch. You also get to watch their personal lives as well, and all the events that unfold around them. The characters were great, and I enjoyed almost all of them. Each one added a special element to the movie, and they all helped build the story in an intriguing way. The acting was also pretty great. The powerful duo of De Niro and Pesci was so awesome to see. They were both serious yet hilarious, and right when I think I’ve seen them at their best, they continue to amaze me. I especially loved Pesci in this one. It’s so fun watching him because despite his short stature, he is still terrifying, menacing, and able to get his point across. I was happy to see Don Rickles in this as well. He’s always been one of my favorite comedians, as he is an insult genius. I was also ecstatic to see Dickie Smothers pop up for a few minutes as well. Like Rickles, the Smothers Brothers were absolutely hilarious, and I’ve always enjoyed their stuff. So seeing Dickie have a part was super exciting for me. The music was great, and the song selection was great for the setting. Some that were included were Dean Martin’s “You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You” and “Volare”. They are actually two of my personal favorites of his. There were some more great songs included, such as “Stardust” and “Unforgettable”. Last thing I’ll mention is the aesthetic of this movie. It was beautifully shot, with great cinematography and vibrant colors. In terms of color and pop, this is one of the best movies I’ve seen regarding that category. However, despite the great story, music, and characters, the movie was definitely way too long to me. It was hard to pay attention in several scenes. But, I still enjoyed a good chunk of it. Overall, I’d only recommend it to those who love crime/dramas, and though I probably won’t watch it again, it was still a good one-time watch.