Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005)

Everybody Loves Raymond

  • Definitely my favorite show of all time, this show is my Office. What I mean by that is this is the show that I’m always quoting and have on constantly, and when I finish it, I immediately start back at the beginning. Every single episode has its own unique and hilarious story, and there isn’t a single episode that I haven’t laughed at least 10 times. The entire cast is frigging hilarious, and I can easily say that it’s one of the most perfectly cast TV shows of all time. Every single cast member brought their own unique and quirky attitude and characteristic to their character. The conflict between the characters is also amazing, because even though they’re a family and they love each other, there are so many scenes where you can feel the tension in their love/hate relationships. This is also one of the very few shows that only gets better and better as it goes on, and I would say that every season is always better than the previous. I also loved the season finale, and it ends on a really happy and heartwarming scene/shot, and most importantly, it gives you one last look of what the show was really about. One thing I also really love is that you can pick any random episode, and you don’t have to rely on seeing any others to know what’s going on. It has its moments where it might have a joke about something that happened in a previous episode, but besides that, each episode is made to be a stand alone story, which makes it nice. Overall, this is one of the best shows ever made, and I seriously recommend it to those who love 90’s/early 2000’s sitcoms. This TV show is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!