Memories of Murder (2003)
Memories of Murder
This film is going to stick with me for a LONG time. Long time. In terms of this review, I’m going to be very broad, so I don’t give anything away. It’s one of the greatest crime/thrillers I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and probably a top five of all time. It’s not even close. Everything about it completely falls into place. It’s based on a true story, which I advise you not to look up beforehand. Just go into this blind, and you’ll be extremely satisfied. Or dissatisfied, depending how you look at it. The screenplay is masterful, with superb writing around the characters, with plenty of emotion and suspense. Despite the fact that the film is over two hours long, it doesn’t feel like it at all. I got so sucked in, and the entire thing felt like one giant shot. The film editing was so pristine. The pacing was fabulous, and there’s not a single scene where I was bored and distracted. The acting was fantastic from everyone, and the characters were interesting to pay attention to. Each personality adds some conflict to the already chaotic mess of murder, and you really never know who to trust. The performances from the main group of detectives, especially Kang-ho Song and Kim Sang-kyung. Those two were a powerhouse duo. The score was captivating, and even from the opening scene, I knew it was gonna be a perfect film, based on the music alone. Lastly, the cinematography was stunning, and though it wasn’t colorful, the tone and mood is expressed amazingly through each shot. The drabby visuals keeps the whole thing grounded and places you right in the middle of the investigation. I won’t say any more now. Just know that this is one of the greatest films I’ve seen in my entire life. The last scene/shot specifically. It may be the greatest ending of all time. I’d recommend that everyone watch this at least once before they die. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!