Elvis (2022)


  • This movie Can’t Be described with words. Coming in as the Berry’s third perfect movie, my mind was literally blown after watching this film in theaters. Baz Luhrmann did such a good job of telling Elvis’s story in a playful but also serious way. The music was so insanely good, and Austin Butler’s presence as the King himself was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen in any movie. There were several scenes where I laughed and smiled, but some scenes that just felt so personal and literally caused me to tear up. Of course, Tom Hanks was good as always, but Butler’s performance should most certainly win him several awards, and it will be a crime against humanity if he doesn’t. The movie was very flashy with popping colors all throughout (with several comic book style transitions), which really helped relate to Elvis’s inspiration to be who he was. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it NOW!