Cocaine Bear (2023)
Cocaine Bear
This is exactly what you'd expect going into it. If you came to watch a bear on cocaine go ham on some people, then bingo. I found it very enjoyable, because who doesn’t love a bunch of gnarly deaths? Now, if this wasn’t based on true events, I probably wouldn’t have found it as fun as it was. One thing I really liked was how even though it was a bear going crazy, there was (somewhat) of an actual plot to it. You could pay attention to the main story, with all the bear craziness in between. I was also mildly surprised by how good this movie was. Now it’s definitely not perfect, but it was still pretty good. And I seriously mean this when I say that I want a CocaineVerse. Bring in Cocaine Shark, or Cocaine…Cat, or whatever. I would absolutely love to see more of these movies, despite how dumb they might look. I loved the cast, and though there were a lot of characters to keep up with, they were all awesome. I loved Alden Ehrenreich, and especially Ray Liotta. It was nice to see him one last time. The effects and makeup were absolutely awesome, and the CGI bear was extremely well done. The soundtrack was also killer (pun intended). It provided a lot of great 80’s music that really pushed the authenticity of the movie and story. Overall, this movie was actually pretty good. I would definitely recommend it if you like gore and violent animals (it’s also a pretty fun theater experience). This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!