Blonde (2022)


  • This is legitimately one of the most visually stunning, best shot movies I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I can’t stress enough how cool this movie is, and I could probably write a whole paper describing all the beautiful shots and transitions. One of the coolest parts of the whole movie was the way a lot of it was shot in black and white, and then it immediately jumped to color in the next scene. Every time a scene went to color, it was so breathtaking, and it really hits you right in the face (in a good way). There were also so many cool camera techniques and effects that were extremely cool to look at. Even though they didn’t always make sense in the film, it added a very special and unique element to the scene. The casting was brilliant, and Ana De Armas absolutely kills it as Monroe. Her mannerisms, her voice, and her look were spot on, and honestly I don’t think anybody else could’ve pulled it off. She brought so much emotion to the role, and even in the scenes where there was no dialogue, you could still see the pain and feeling in her eyes and facial expressions. The music was pretty good, and they included several songs from that time period in the film, which really enhanced the overall feeling and setting. Easily my favorite part of the whole movie was the bathroom scene from Some Like it Hot. They used the original footage from the movie, but used De Armas instead of Monroe. On screen was Tony Curtis with De Armas, and it’s some of the best editing I’ve seen in a movie. It was so awesome and mind-blowing that it physically made me stand up from my seat in disbelief. And there are very, VERY few movies that have made me do that. I also really loved the scenes with the CGI fetuses, and it felt very humanizing and eye-opening. Overall, I seriously freaking loved this movie, and almost everything about it was so good. It also shows the true dangers of ignoring mental health problems, and at the end of the movie, it displayed a message and website link that helped promote talking and helping your mental struggles. It was a seriously good way to end the movie, and it helped sink in what you just watched. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!