A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

  • Definitely a step up from the second movie, this one was a bit better, and it actually kept me interested for some of the movie. Unlike the second, it actually had a plot that goes somewhere, and even though it was cheesy, it keeps you somewhat entertained. I liked how they brought back Nancy from the first movie. Although the rest of the cast (excluding her, her dad, and Freddy) was new, it brings in fresh faces, as well as keeping to the original story. A lot of the time, sequels like these rely too much on the same cast over and over, but I like how it freshened up the feel and mood. The best thing about the story was it wasn’t just a slasher film where the teens run around and panic the whole time. They went in ready to fight Freddy, which is what they ended up doing near the end. The movie definitely adds a bit of an almost fantasy/sci-fi feel to it. It gets that feel because of the character who is able to share her dreams with others. I wasn’t a fan of how it felt more like a fantasy movie than a horror, but it still has its moments that get you. The effects were decently good, and there were a few scenes that I was really impressed with, and then a few that were laughably bad. Now, it was 1987, so you can’t expect everything to be great. However, that’s what gives these movies their corny feel. Freddy was amazing like always, and this movie definitely had almost a darker feel to it than the first two. Although I wouldn’t say it’s the darkest of them, it had its moments that really take you aback. The music wasn’t too great either, and though it had the horror feel to it, there wasn’t anything memorable to it. Overall, it still wasn’t an entirely good movie, but it had its epic scenes, and it was definitely a step up from the second movie. I’d probably recommend it, especially if you like Freddy and/or you want to continue the Elm Street series.