Demolition (2015)
I don’t care what Rotten Tomatoes says, this is a good movie. It’s nothing phenomenal, but I still really liked it and thought it’s a great look at a relatable character. I think the thing the movie does best is showing the way grief is handled in an almost fun and carefree way. It’s weird how much much I enjoyed such a sad topic. But it does it in a way where you don’t really feel sad. You put yourself right in Davis’s mind. You almost understand why he does what he does, yet you don’t understand at all. I just love that. Sometimes it doesn’t always make sense, which makes the writing feel slightly confusing. It’s a simple story, there’s just a few loose ends throughout that may leave you feeling a little perplexed. I think this movie would be different for everyone. But I enjoyed the way everything progressed, and how it all wraps up in the end in a way you don’t expect. It’s touching and beautiful. The whole thing is, in its own weird way. Davis is such a relatable character, and one of my new favorite performances from Jake. You just feel his mindset and presence on screen, and you learn to feel for him. The other characters were decent, but Davis is the obvious standout. And everything happened all because of peanut M&M’s. Overall, this movie is great, and though sometimes the plot feels weak and maybe a little repetitive and scattered, I really liked it. It somehow feels personal, and you can connect with it even if you can’t relate. I’d recommend it to most drama fans. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!