Halloween II (1981)

Halloween II (1981)

  • A pretty fun and entertaining sequel, I enjoyed watching this one, and it was as entertaining as the first. I absolutely loved the opening of the black screen with “Mr. Sandman” playing. Although it’s not a creepy song, it sets the mood for the movie really well. I also really liked how it immediately picks up from the end of the first movie, and it does a good job of showing you what happened. The way the movie starts is pretty smooth, and I like how this movie is a continuation of the first one, instead of a separate story. The one thing I didn’t like about the story is how it’s basically Michael just killing people, and while there isn’t anything new or different from the first one, it’s still fun to watch. The kills are so much better, and they’re much more unique, as well as gruesome. I loved having a killer use different ways to kill his victims instead of just the standard choking or stabbing (I know I sound nuts, but it makes sense once you watch it). I also liked the way Michael stays in the hospital instead of just roaming around the town. It makes it feel more contained, and almost like he’s always with you. The score was really great, except for one thing. Although many of the themes were still the same, they were played in a more electronic/early 80’s style, which took away a lot of the spookiness. Overall though, the movie was pretty good, and though it lacked an actual plot, it was still entertaining to watch. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!