Hundreds of Beavers (2024)
Hundreds of Beavers
While having been made in 2022, the release for this was in 2024, therefore I’m counting this as a 2024 film. I had never even heard of it until a few weeks ago, and I can strongly say that it is one of the best films of 2024, maybe even one of the best films of the 2020’s. Despite the low budget and small cast, it is expertly made and edited extremely well. It’s so funny how films like this (low budget and independent) can be better made than ones that have a budget of $200-300 million. I have a very high level of respect for people that can make films like this. The story is extremely simple, yet has many moving parts to it. Just when you think you’ve seen everything, something else always pops up to keep it moving forward. There’s also very, very little dialogue. At first, I thought that may be a problem, but because there isn’t any talking, there’s a lot of reliance on physical humor, facial expressions, and sound. The whole thing felt like a mix between old comedic films (like Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and the Three Stooges) and Looney Tunes. It’s one of the funniest films I’ve seen in recent years. The sound design was impeccable, with a lot of vocal noises (minus talking), and great sound effects that are reminiscent of modern and past times. The costume design is great, and perhaps my favorite thing was how the woodland animals are literally just people in big animal costumes. Lastly, the film editing was straight up masterful, with a combination of live action, some animation, and just an overall smoothness that makes everything flow very well. Like I said, one of the best films of 2024. It’s definitely one I’d watch again, and I’d recommend it to all comedy fans. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!