It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

It’s a Wonderful Life

  • This is often regarded as one of the best Christmas movies ever made, and I’d definitely agree with that statement. I love the take this movie has on life in general, and it does a great job with certain issues. The story is really great, and though it might feel slow getting to the climax, it’s still interesting. The first time I ever watched this movie, I was bored half to death, and just wanted it to be over. But once you see it a second time, you appreciate it much more. I know I definitely do. In a way, this movie is actually kind of scary. Without saying anything, it takes a very interesting and unexpected turn in the story, which makes you appreciate life and what you have. It really gets into your head, which is why this movie is so great. Watching the rise and slow downfall of a businessman provides for an intriguing and emotional journey all throughout the movie. Jimmy Stewart, who is one of my personal favorite actors, does an absolutely fantastic job in this role. I wouldn’t want anyone else to do it. He’s able to bring so much emotion and feeling, and pour it out into you. He shows every emotion in a great way, whether it be happiness, nervousness, sadness, fear, or hope. Even though many people can’t relate to what he’s gone through, the movie still feels personal. All the other characters also do an awesome job of building the story around George. The cinematography is both beautiful yet tragic in this movie, and it also helps build the story. Despite being in black and white, the visuals are still amazing, and the lack of color makes the movie so much better. Technically, you could watch it in color, but I would only recommend doing it in black and white. There were so many shots that help you see the perspective of both George and everyone else. The music was beautiful, and like everything else, it adds so much to the characters, story, and feeling. It’s very prominent in the most important scenes. It builds the mood of each scene, and continues strong throughout the movie. Overall, this movie is really great, and I’d probably say you need to watch it at least once before you die. You’re left with a message of love and gratitude, and you learn why you should always count your blessings and trust your friends and family. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go watch it now!